You can use LandMark to explore details on specific regions or designated land areas, including generating statistics on environmental impact.
Zoom Into the Preferred Region
You can begin by zooming in to the specific region where the land area is located. To do this, click on the plus sign in the upper right corner of the map and use your mouse to drag and drop it until you're focused on your preferred region.
Select the Designated Land Area
Hover your cursor over the specific land area and click on it; a pop-up window will appear, providing some general information on that area.
View All Details
In the lower-left corner of the pop-up window, you'll see the button 'View all details.' Click on it, and the map will focus on the preferred area. More detailed information will appear in the left-side navigation.
Explore Environmental Impact Analysis
If you'd like to continue analyzing this region, you can choose to generate different environmental statistics such as tree cover loss, key biodiversity areas, biodiversity intactness, and more.
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